
Music and various arts

The Fabienne Colas Foundation is behind numerous festivals that celebrate Black and Haitian cultures with a diversified musical program in Canada and the United States.

Haïti en Folie Festival in Montreal

The Haïti en Folie Festival in Montreal was created by the Fabienne Colas Foundation in 2007. Nowadays, this festival is the largest multidisciplinary festival outside Haiti that is completely dedicated to Haitian culture. This large-scale, colorful, and flavorful Creole festival attracts thousands of visitors and tourists each year.

Haïti en Folie Festival in New York

The festival’s goal is to turn New York City into a meeting place, a place for sharing knowledge, and a place of intercultural exchange for New York residents, American citizens at large, tourists, and Haitian communities in New York, in the Eastern United States, and in the Caribbean. The festival’s program is rich in emotions and full of entertainment.

Halifax Black Summer Festival

The Halifax Black Summer Festival is a multidisciplinary festival celebrating Black culture and featuring some of Nova Scotia’s best Black musicians.